Not Registered for Online Services?
Telephone Consultations
We offer telephone and face to face consultations with the doctor/nurse. Telephone consultations can be a good means of communication with a patient to supplement the traditional surgery consultation. They are often a much quicker method of dealing with basic issues and for the GP they represent the means by which a consultation may be quick and concise.
Patients telephoning to ask for an appointment will be asked to confirm their telephone number. They will then be called back by a doctor/nurse who will discuss the problems with them. In many cases it is hoped that the matter will be resolved on the telephone without the need for the patient to visit the surgery. This will save time for both the patient and the practice.
In addition to being asked to confirm your telephone number, receptionists will ask patients for brief details of the reasons for their request, whether they require advice or wish to be seen. This will allow the doctor/nurse to prioritise the call. If you would rather not discuss things with the receptionist then you can decline to give this information, stating it is private, but you should be made aware that this will make it more difficult for the doctor/nurse to prioritise your call appropriately.
Please ensure we have your up to date contact details, including telephone number.
Extended Hours GP Service
New Extended Hours GP Services will be now available to all our registered patients and will provide appointments with either a GP or a nurse from 18:30 to 20:00 on Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 20:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
Patients will not be able to book directly into Extended Hours Appointments or through online booking system. To book an appointment to this service please phone the practice during opening times and one of our receptionists will be able to arrange an appointment for you.
The service is based at 3 local sites:
- Mead House Centre
- Yiewsley Health Centre
- Uxbridge Health Centre
Opening Times
Please select a site